THEROS Consortium comprises of 17 partners within 6 EU Member States. The project has followed a multidisciplinary approach, purposefully selecting partners with distinct scientific, technical and operational expertise to secure high-quality contributions in addressing all aspects of the project.

Our Partners
I-SENSE Research Group, of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) was founded in 1992. It was founded with the ‘charta’ to support the performance of top-quality research, development activities and the provision of scientific service to private and public bodies. Essentially the mission of ICCS was to support the deployment, the realization and the growth of the research priorities of ECE mainly through seeking, pursuing and acquiring research funding via the competitive calls for research proposals that the European Commission had instigated. In turn its purpose has been to build a research personnel base alongside ECE’s faculty so as to conduct state-of-the-art research and at the same time improve the research laboratory equipment base and infrastructures of the School.
ICCS is the Coordinator of THEROS project. At the same time, ICCS is responsible for defining the system architecture and integration plan (Task 2.4), developing a data management and harmonization platform (Task 4.2), implementing interfaces that will form a dynamic digital passport for quality-labeled foods (Task 4.1), developing data integration techniques for the large-scale organic carbon monitoring (Task 3.1) as well as providing interfaces for DNA-based GI product authenticity methods (Task 3.4). Moreover, ICCS will lead THEROS GroundBreakers Advisory Board (Task 6.3). In addition, ICCS will contribute to stakeholder mapping and end-user needs analysis and requirements (Task 2.1), technical specifications of THEROS technical components (Task 2.3), THEROS verification engine (Task 4.3), THEROS Pilot preparation (Task 5.2-5.5).Finally, ICCS is responsible for Liaison with EU bodies and other relevant research activities & projects within EU (Task 6.2).
Spectra Lab, AUTh is active in the field of Environmental Computational Science providing integrated solutions for sustainable management of natural resources. The Lab has a strong interest in development, implementation and evaluation of novel integrated sensing systems (e.g., spaceborne and in situ Earth Observation systems, spectroscopy, Micro-Electronic Miniaturized Systems etc.) to analyze chemical and biological parameters that could support suitable interventions at the various stages of food production, from soil enrichment to risk mitigation for food safety. Our application toolbox focuses on Explainable Artificial Intelligence by developing novel algorithms applied on heterogenous Earth Observation data along with explainable interfaces to understand models and what-if scenarios. Spectra Lab, AUTh consists of a team of interdisciplinary scientists- agriculturists, electrical engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, environmentalist- keen on designing and developing methodologies of sustainable natural resource management for environmental monitoring by harnessing the power of computational intelligence and by handling big data derived from cutting-edge sensing technologies.
Spectra Lab, AUTH leads the THEROS monitoring, adulteration detection and traceability components Work Package 3, which includes Earth Observation based ecosystem services (Task 3.1), MEMS based photonics systems and models (Task 3.2), Internet of Things sensors network (Task 3.3), DNA based authenticity kit (task 3.4) and blockchain enhanced traceability system (Task 3.5). Furthermore, Spectra Lab, AUTh contributes to the mobile application for data collection and transparent data governance (Task 4.1) along with the system integration and tools for data management, harmonization and interoperability (Task 4.2). In addition, concerning the pilot demonstrations in Work Package 5, Spectra Lab, AUTh is highly involved in THEROS Pilot preparation, scenarios alignment and evaluation methodology (Task 5.1) and within Pilot demonstration in Serbia (Task 5.2) and Pilot demonstration in Greece (Task 5.3). Concerning the co-design of THEROS requirements and system architecture in Work Package 2, Spectra Lab, AUTh is involved with the technical specifications of THEROS technical components (Task 2.3) and THEROS system architecture and integration plan (Task 2.4) .Moreover, it contributes to Work Package 6 and to the dissemination and communication activities (Task 6.1) , the Liaison with EU bodies and other relevant research activities & projects within EU (Task 6.2) and Exploitation activities, market-entry preparation plan and IPR management (Task 6.4). Last but not least, Spectra Lab, AUTh assists the administration and financial coordination in in Task 1.1 along with the technical and scientific management (Task 1.2) and quality and risk management (Task 1.3).
The Jožef Stefan Institute ( is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. Within JSI, Department of Environmental Sciences (DES, involved in the project, focuses on multidisciplinary research with emphasize on combination of physical, chemical and biological processes that influence the environment, man and human activities.
Within THEROS, JSI is leader of WP2 dealing with identification of user requirements, scenarios definitions and overall system architecture and is responsible for T2.1 and T2.2. Within the WP5, JSI is involved in tasks dealing with evaluation of methodologies (T5.5) and impacts assessment, whilst in WP6, it is leading T6.2.
The Institute of Applied Biosciences at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (INAB|CERTH) conducts research in the Life Sciences that extends from microbes to plants, animals and humans.
Our aim at INAB is to promote basic research, while providing solutions to important social needs related to health and well-being.
In this context, INAB conducts Biomedical research and deals with the development and evaluation of digital health interventions and personalized medicine, while also holding a leading position in Agri-biotechnology, utilizing modern high-performance methodologies, molecular biotechnology and ‘breeding by design’ approaches, with the aim of developing high quality and value products.
We work towards this direction with the basic principle of cooperation between scientists with different but complementary knowledge and skills. The main pillars of our activity are bioanalysis, data from the real world and the development of relevant applications.
INAB’s researchers play an important role in identifying, disseminating and supporting good research and educational practices, thus facilitating interaction between scientists, authorities and society. This, strengthens our cooperation with critical ‘players’ both nationally and internationally, giving them the opportunity to upgrade their services in critical areas such as health, agri-food, education and technological development.
At INAB, we believe that sustainability presupposes renewal based on both innovation and developments in technology and social needs. Thus, we will continue to be at the forefront of research on carefully selected areas of scientific, social and economic interest.
We rely on knowledge and cooperation, we innovate in the Life Sciences, we respond to social needs!
The role of INEB in THEROS is to work on the pilot with Pilot4: Adulteration prevention of geographical indication food products and especially the Galician mussel (PDO).
NTT DATA – a part of NTT Group – is a trusted global innovator of IT and business services headquartered in Tokyo. We help clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services. NTT DATA enables clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. NTT DATA is committed to its clients’ long-term success and combine global reach with local client attention to serve them in over 50 countries.
Their Green Engineering practice, based in Madrid, Spain, leads the development of technological and engineering projects aimed to addressing social challenges and contributing to the global environment from both aspects of their own corporate activities (of IT) and business activities of their clients and society (by IT), thereby aiming for further growth together with their clients.
Their main role in THEROS will be designing, developing, and deploying a BlockChain based traceability solution, which will provide two main services: first, the common base of integration for the different technological solutions produced by the partners constructing the technological toolbox, and second, the traceability system which will allow involved stakeholders in THEROS demonstration pilots to integrate their data.
Besides this main collaboration, NTT DATA will participate in other work packages providing the following services:
Providing technical and Scientific Management across the 3 years the project spans, where they will oversee the smooth technical cooperation between partners and interconnections between WPs and tasks, participate in the consideration of, and responding to, the opinions and contributions of the relevant working groups, and will suggest alternative technical routes in case of stumbling blocks. Additionally, this task involves tracking the project’s milestones and coordinate the project’s technical meetings and will ensure that the scientific and technological outcomes comply with the project’s work plan, and the results fulfil the technical requirements for effective progress and achievement of the project goals.
Providing, over the BlockChain traceability solution, the THEROS verification engine, in which they will design a solution providing certification agency participants the functionality to verify that the information managed by the different THEROS systems complies with Certification Procedures.
Sinergise is a SME with extensive expertise in developing advanced geospatial information systems based on web technology. Sinergise has successfully completed several projects involving spatial data capture and spatial data analysis for customers across the world. Their products can be grouped in agriculture, real estate, cloud GIS and Earth Observation. Agriculture-related systems include those covering Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) legislation (LPIS – land parcel identification system, on-the-spot controls, control with remote sensing, rural development, etc.) as well as agro-environmental and animal/crop disease applications.Sinergise has past experience in many international research and commercial projects. It has on-going relationships with several groups of users (e.g. Ministries for agriculture, Ministries for lands), which will help them to access relevant users and get feedback. Sentinel Hub itself has users from various domains and is in the current period processing tens of millions requests per day, serving tens of thousands of users around the world.
Within the THEROS project, Sinergise will be applying it’s vast expertise in Earth Observation within the Work Package 3 (THEROS monitoring, adulteration detection and traceability components). Focusing mainly on Task 3.1 (EO Based Ecosystem Services), where they will build upon their existing area monitoring technology to focus on monitoring organic farming practices using earth observation.
eBOS is an innovative client-focused software company providing state-of-the-art RegTech and Fintech solutions that automate risk and compliance management for organisations on a worldwide basis. Our product portfolio includes a wide range of web-based customisable regulatory technology applications powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With over twenty years of extensive experience, our Research & Development (R&D) division is focused on future-oriented research in multiple areas and pilots eBOS’ successful engagement in cutting-edge research projects funded by the European Commission and implemented in collaboration with large international research teams and industry leaders.
eBOS will design, develop and integrate the graphical Human Machine Interface (HMI) of THEROS toolbox. The HMI will allow the efficient monitoring of activities taking place in the organic and geographic indications supply chain for improved decision-making by policymakers and supply chain actors. Furthermore, eBOS will implement AI/ML techniques for verifying the origin and quality of food products based on their DNA footprint. eBOS will also act as the project’s Quality Assurance and Risk Manager, implementing quality assurance procedures and ensuring that proactive measures are taken to mitigate risks. Finally, eBOS will also lead the project’s exploitation activities by developing the market-entry preparation plans and the post-project sustainability strategy. Tailored business model(s) will also be developed, aiming to carry forward the commercialisation of the Key Exploitable Results and their market entry.
SEABILITY ltd is active in the fields of transport and logistics. Being a user of road transport operations SEABility is highly interested in new technologies and particularly in the effect that automation will have in operations. The challenges we handle are related to connectivity issues, data handling and security. SEABility acts also as an ICT and technology provider offering SoA solutions and consultancy services on all its core business domains (e.g. logistics, transport, etc.), as well as new business areas such as environmental applications, and safety and security applications.
SEABILITY leads the THEROS high impact creation and sustainability Work Package 6, which includes, except for leading the dissemination and communication activities (task 6.1) , the Liaison with EU bodies and other relevant research activities & projects within EU (task 6.2), THEROS GroundBreakers Advisory Board (task 6.3) and Exploitation activities, market-entry preparation plan and IPR management (task 6.4). SEAB, also, leads THEROS Task 2.3: Technical specifications of THEROS technical components and contributes to Stakeholder mapping and end-user needs analysis and requirements (Task 2.1), the IoT sensors network (Task 3.3), the Mobile applications for data collection and transparent data governance (Task 4.1) and the Business model driven digital marketplace (Task 4.5). In addition, SEAB participates in THEROS Pilot preparation, scenarios alignment and evaluation methodology (Task 5.1) and within Pilot demonstration in Czech Republic (Task 5.5), as well as the Impact assessment & evaluation (Task 5.6). Last but not least, SEAB contributes to THEROS GDPR, Gender Balance, Legal and Ethical Issues Management, as part of Task 1.4.
WIRELESSINFO is a non-profit Czech association that was founded in 2003 and focuses on precision agriculture, soil protection, land management, waste management and landscape management with high qualifications in the field of ICT for agriculture, especially sensors and GIS technologies. WIRELESSINFO also presents a virtual environment in which several research institutions, commercial companies and regional authorities collaborate on the development of projects and applications in the field of new technological concepts and directly involves end users in the entire process of developing new technologies. The aim of the research is to use innovations to improve the quality of decision-making in agriculture, improve job opportunities for rural residents, strengthen the rural economy and support the creation of solutions for precision agriculture, the agri-food chain and logistics.
As part of the Theros project, WRLS is contributing their expertise in IoT sensor deployment and testing an innovative business model for a digital marketplace for organic food. Their specific tasks include designing and implementing a technological system for monitoring organic food during transport, utilizing sensors and communication interfaces to ensure the quality and authenticity of the products (T3.3). WRLS will also develop a digital marketplace for organic food, which will allow for the promotion of individual organic food producers and facilitate the availability of their products in the region (T4.5). This will involve analyzing the availability and path of organic food to customers, as well as adapting and implementing a business model to support short food chains using e-commerce. WRLS will cooperate on the Czech pilot demonstration (Pilot3: Data driven business model for organic food fraud/adulteration prevention) and on other tasks of collecting and analyzing user requirements, and participating in dissemination activities.
The mission of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation DIMITRA (ELGO) is the development and support of actions aimed at the modernization and development of the country’s agricultural sector, the improvement of production processes, the strengthening of competitiveness, the certification of quality agricultural products & foods, the establishment and certification of good agricultural practices and controls in the production-distribution chain of milk and meat in the country. In parallel, ELGO provides scientific and technical support to the Ministry of Agricultural Development & Food in planning and supporting the implementation of its policy within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy.
The Directorate of Certification and Specifications of ELGO is responsible for the: i) establishment of national standards in the field of agricultural products; ii) supervision of the certified Organizations for Control and Certification of organic agricultural products; iii) supervision of private certification bodies based on national AGRO standards; iv) Control and Certification of PDO and PGI Products; v) establishment of Greek brand in milk and dairy products, in extra virgin olive oil and table olives, in PDO and PGI products.
The Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products (ITAP) of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research of ELGO is performing research in the areas of Food Quality and Safety, Food Processing and Preservation technologies, Food Molecular Microbiology, Genomics, Wine and spirits, Food Biotechnology and Recycling of Agricultural by-products. It provides accredited analysis and technical consulting to food industries in food quality and safety assurance, process optimization of their products, and in the development of new products with novel technologies.
In THEROS ELGO participates in the pilot studies in Greece through the Directorate of Certification and Specifications as well as in the application of sensors to detect fraud in quality label foods through the Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products.
OCS has twenty years of experience in the inspection and certification of organic production, as well as products with geographical indications, through the control of various participants in the different stages of production, development, and distribution of those products. From the very beginning, the Organic Control System has been controlling and certifying in accordance with domestic legislation with the main goal of promoting and expanding organic production in Serbia as well as achieving and maintaining the trust of domestic producers and consumers in organic products. Nowadays OCS has approval from the European Commission and Defra for Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. OCS is a member of EOCC (European Organic Certifiers Council) and IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements).
In the THEROS project, OCS will participate in all work packages. In WP3 OCS is going to provide data for developing THEROS monitoring, adulteration detection, and traceability components. OCS is the lead beneficiary of the WP5 – THEROS pilot demonstrations. OCS is going to be actively involved in a pilot demonstration in Serbia – Monitoring and verification of processed quality-labeled food products. OCS will be able to utilize THEROS portable MEMS-based photonics systems, being operational along with a smartphone application, in order to scan organic products and detect possible fraudulent actions related to substitution and mislabelling.
We are Kiwa. With our assurance, testing, inspection, certification, training, consultancy and data services, we create trust in our customers’ products, services, processes, (management) systems and employees. We do so in a wide variety of markets segments, ranging from construction and energy supply to drinking water, healthcare, food, feed & farming. Areas of expertise include management systems, corporate social responsibility and lab testing, among many others.
We have clients in manufacturing and process industries, (business) services, public and private utilities, governments and international institutions.
Kiwa employs over 10,000 people in over 40 countries, in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Oceania. Since 2021 we are a member of SHV Family of Companies.
Kiwa Spain will verify the traceability of the product through the blockchain system created for THEROS project. The participation of an independent third party in the verification process provides a greater degree of confidence for consumers, strengthening the control system of the PDO Mexillón de Galicia.
Kiwa participates in T2.1 Stakeholder mapping and end-user needs analysis and requirements, in T2.2 Analysis of driving forces and effects of fraud practices for organic and GI food products and benchmarking of relevant control and prevention approaches, in T2.4 THEROS system architecture and integration plan, in T4.2 System integration and tools for data management, harmonisation and interoperability, in T4.3 THEROS verification engine, in T5.1 Pilot preparation, scenarios alignment and evaluation methodology, in T5.4 Pilot demonstration in Spain, in T5.6 Impact assessment & evaluation, as well as in T6.1 Dissemination & communication and in T6.4 Exploitation activities, market-entry preparation plan and IPR management.
The INSTITOUTO ELEGCHOU VIOLOGIKON PROIONTON ANONYMI ETAIREIA “BIOHELLAS S.A.” has been founded in 2001. Its Headquarters are located in Athens, but its activity extends through Greece, through the regional offices in the regions of Thessaloniki, Aitoloakarnania, Lacony, Herakleion Crete and Lesvos. BIOHELLAS S.A., also, operates as a Control Body for the certification of Organic Products in Bulgaria.
It is a dynamically developing company, staffed by personnel who have expertise and many years of experience in the field of organic product certification.
BIOHELLAS S.A. is an approved Body for the Certification of Organic Agricultural Products in accordance with the European Regulation (E.U.) 848/2018, with approval code from EU in Greece with approval code GR-BIO-03 and in Bulgaria with approval code BG-BIO-10.
At the same time, it has developed strategic partnerships with recognized Foreign Control and Certification Bodies, providing control services in accordance to the Standards BIOSUISSE (Switzerland), NATURLAND & NATURLAND FAIR (Germany), KRAV (Sweden), DEMETER (Biodynamic Agriculture) the USDA has accredit according to NOP/USDA Standard for organic products intended for the United States market and not covered by the European Regulation for organic agricultural products.
BIOHELLAS S.A. participates in various tasks such as (task 2.1): Stakeholder mapping and end user need analysis and requirements, (task 2.2): Analysis of driving forces and effects of fraud practices for organic and GI food products and benchmarking of relevant control and prevention approaches, (task 2.4): THEROS system architecture and integration plan, (task 3.1): The EO based ecosystem services (Subtask 3.2.1): Mislabeling frauds identification system, (task 4.1): Mobile application for MEMS, (task 4.2) :System integration and tools for data management harmonization and interoperability, (task 4.3): THEROS verification engine, (task 5.1): Pilot preparation, scenarios alignment and evaluation methodology, (task 5.3): Pilot demonstration in Greece, (task 5.6): Impact assessment and evaluation.
Bio Net West Hellas is the biggest and most powerful group of organic producers in Greece.
BIO NET WEST HELLAS is a cooperation from small family organic farms, in the wider region of Western Greece.
Within a rich natural ecosystem, in an area called “The Natural Park Of Greece”, the organic farmers of the Agri-Environmental Group, combine the farming with animal breeding.
More than 200 organic farmers of Bio Net Hellas, with respect for nature and with a deep ecological awareness, produce quality products free of any chemicals.
All producers and the operation of the Cooperative, are audited and certified in relation to the applied organic production methods, as well as in accordance with Global G.A.P. standard, which means proper handling of the environment and agricultural land.
The applied agricultural practices:
– Are based on the connection of the traditional way of production with modern scientific knowledge.
– Aim to create strong & healthy plants & animals within one healthy environment.
– Zero use of chemicals. Avoid all forms of environmental pollution.
– Minimization of agricultural supplies from third parties.
– Utilization of 100% of crop residues and animal organic waste, for the production of high lubrication value “compost”.
– Application of green fertilization, crop rotation and common cultivation of plants, with respect and positive utilization of natural ecological balances, in order to reduce (until zero) the required inputs.
– Reduction to a minimum of energy needs and the use of renewable energy sources (photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, etc.) to meet most of the energy needs.
– Ensuring in farmed animals, living conditions such that allow the development of the basic aspects of their innate behavior.
Our main target: The production of agricultural products of high biological value & quality, proposing the preservation of natural wealth & ecological sustainability, seeking to maintain a stable economic, social & cultural prosperity of our member producers.
Through the application of organic farming, we visualize to develop a spherical system of agricultural farming (plants and animal products) having as our main goal the production of high biological value produce without using chemical fertilizers, G.T.O, hormones and antibiotics. Our aim is to preserve biological balance within the frame of the wider environment.
Our main concern is to achieve the health and durability of plants and animals, as a result of having a closed circuit of production using the least possible volume of additives. Organic growing in coordination with organically fed livestock in organic farms is carried out in accordance with biodynamic cultivation standards set by the Group of Organic Farmers of West Greece and DEMETER, which in their turn abides by the principles of IFOAM and regulations of the European Union.
The result of this organic way of farming is that we are able to offer authentic foods with traditional Mediterranean flavors to be remembered, totally free from any chemical residues, GMO-free, whilst securing consumer health and protecting the environment against chemical and genetic contamination.
The Galician Mussel Regulatory Council began its activities in 1994, although the work prior to its constitution began in 1989. The objective of the body was, from the beginning, the promotion of the quality of the Galician mussel.
One of the first initiatives of the Regulatory Council was the request, under the terms of the regional regulations, for the recognition of “Quality Galician Product” for the Galician mussel. At that time, this regulation was applied only to agri-food products from the land, so that the mussel became the first product of the sea to obtain that mention.
Subsequently, the European Union established a unified community framework for Denominations of Origin and other quality figures linked to a specific geographical location, obliging member countries to eliminate or reconvert all types of brands, denominations and regulations that mention origin. as a determinant of product quality.
Once again, the Galician Mussel was a pioneer in its application and became the first seafood product in Europe to obtain the “Protected Designation of Origin” quality label. In 2007, the Mejillón de Galicia Protected Designation of Origin was registered in the European Union register and is currently the only PDO for a seafood product in Spain.
Since then, the Regulatory Council has been acquiring perfectly defined functions and has been perfecting its quality control systems. At the same time, the Mejillón de Galicia brand increased its notoriety and prestige among producers, marketers and consumers.
Within THEROS, MEXILLON co-leads (along with KIWA) T5.4 Pilot demonstration in Spain and participates in T1.1 Administration and Financial Coordination, in T1.3 Quality and Risk Management, in T2.1 Stakeholder mapping and end-user needs analysis and requirements, in T2.4 THEROS system architecture and integration plan, in T3.4 DNA based authenticity kit, in T3.5 Blockchain enhanced traceability system, in Subtask T4.1.2 – Dynamic digital product passport for organic/GI food assets, in T4.3 THEROS verification engine, in T5.6 Impact assessment & evaluation, in T6.1 Dissemination & communication and in T6.4 Exploitation activities, market-entry preparation plan and IPR management.
UNIVEREXPORT EXPORT is one of the leading retail chain companies in Serbia. For 8 years now they have been producing organic grains like wheat, rye, soy beans, corn and sunflower on 55 ha of land located in one of the most fertile parts of Vojvodina, Lipar.
From 2020 they have started the production of organic vegetables beetroot, onions, potatoes, pumpkins and zucchini.
In the THEROS project, they co-lead the pilot demonstrations in Serbia (WP5; T5.2), being primarily responsible for the overall deployment and use of THEROS tools in their supply chain, while also contributing to the realisation and testing of WP3 & WP4 components.
In the Farm-to-Fork Strategy they will be handling and maintaining traceability, transparency and security between the actors involved in the context of complex supply chains of quality labelled food products which will be also explored in the context of the pilot demonstration.
Šumavaprodukt s.r.o. is a company established in the Czech Republic. It is engaged in issues of local food. Through the online shop it offers quality and fresh products from local farmers, bakers, beekeepers, cheesemakers and other food producers to its customers living nearby in the Pošumaví region. The company follows the motto „From the farm straight onto your table!“. The food comes from the primary producers who cooperate with the company in the long term. Therefore Šumavaprodukt s.r.o. knows these producers very well, knows everything about the production and its conditions. The customer delivery is guaranteed by taking the shopping directly home to the customer in right conditions even for the products which require cooling in the refrigerator. Further the online site provides complete information about the suppliers of the local products, about interesting events in the region,recipes and tips for the trips connected with gastronomy and travelling.
Within the project THEROS, SUMAVA will focus on the application of well technically devoloped inovations . This should prevent the organic food from falsification in practise.