An integrated toolbox for improved verification and prevention of adulterations and non-compliances in organic and geographical indications food supply chain
Transparency and trust in organic food supply chain & GI products
THEROS aims to implement an integrated toolbox being capable to modernise the process of verifying organic and geographical indications food products and preventing adulterations and non-compliances, through the use of various technological innovations and data sources, while demonstrating enhanced security, transparency and interoperability in the quality labelled food supply chain.
The envisioned approach consists of :
THEROS toolbox components will be extensively evaluated in real life settings through four pilot demonstrations in four different countries (Serbia, Greece, Spain and Czech Republic), while covering diverse requirements, involvement of all relevant actors and different organic/geographical indication food products and fraud/adulteration cases.
Pilot Demonstrations

Pilot 1
Adulteration prevention of processed quality labelled food products

Pilot 2
Adulteration prevention of fresh/bulk organic agri-commodities

Pilot 3
Data driven business model for organic food fraud/adulteration prevention

Pilot 4
Adulteration prevention of geographical indication food products
Project Information
Start Date:
1st January 2023
End Date:
31st December 2025
Total Cost
€ 4.739.281,75
EU Contribution
€ 3.999.961,00
Latest News
THEROS Consortium comprises of 17 partners within 6 EU Member States. The project has followed a multidisciplinary approach, purposefully selecting partners with distinct scientific, technical and operational expertise to secure high-quality contributions in addressing all aspects of the project.